Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How much does it cost to join CAS?​​​​​
A: Single Membership - R340, & initial joining fee of R160
Second family member: +R170 & initial joining fee of R160
Additional family members: + R80 & initial joining fee of R160
Renewals require only the annual fee
Q:Do I have to live near Constantia to join?
A: No. Although our meetings are held at the Alphen Hall in Constantia, we have members throughout the greater Cape Town area and Helderberg. However, our exhibitions tend to be Southern Suburb based.
Q:What are the requirements to join, do I need to be an established artist?
A: Anyone from 14 years old is able to join. We are happy to have all skill levels, including those who are interested in art but haven't yet taken the leap to start. Through association, practice and encouragement, improvement naturally follows.
Q:What do I get for my membership?
A: The platform to exhibit
A monthly newsletter to keep you informed and motivated
Up to 10% discount at participating art supply stores
Access to the CAS library
A monthly meeting with guest speakers and demos
Being among like-minded people
Access to local groups that paint/draw "en plein air" (painting outside)
Q:How long does my membership last?
A. 12 months. 1st August to 31st July. Renewal fees are due before August 1st. Subscriptions not paid by 31st August will lapse and one would have to rejoin and pay the joining fee again.
Q: Is there a pro rata membership fee based on when I join?
A: No. The full fee is required to join. However, during the application stage, potential members are notified of this and reserve the right to choose if they want to join immediately or wait until August. Some wait and attend our meetings (R30 for visitors), others are eager to exhibit and be part of an art community, and thus join when it suits them.
Q:Do I have to attend the meetings?
A: No. Some members due to distance or some other circumstance cannot attend. However, the meetings are very informative and helpful in building one's knowledge and skill. They also are an opportunity to associate with others that love art.
Q: Can the meeting be streamed on Zoom?
A: We did make use of Zoom during lockdown. However, as a small society, a hybrid meeting is not a option for us at this time. In person meetings are thus the method we use.
Q: Do you have a WhatsApp group?
A: We do have an admin only group which members can request to join. This is only for meeting reminders and such. Our primary means of communications is via email.
Q: Is CAS on Social Media?
A: We have both Instagram and Facebook profiles. We endeavour to post regularly, so feel free to follow us.
Q:Where are the meetings held?
A: The Alphen Hall in Constantia. Meetings are the last Tuesday of each month, except for December.
Q:How do I exhibit?
A: Once you are a member, you qualify to exhibit as part of the Constantiaberg Art Society.
Q:How many exhibitions are held each year?
A: We have two exhibitions a year. Depending on scheduling, they are generally held in September and early in the new year, (between January and March) for about two weeks at a time. CAS Members are also allowed to take part in "Art in Park", at Rondebosch park hosted by SASA (South African Society of Artists) . This is usually on a Saturday in November. There is a fee to exhibit which helps to cover the cost of venue and other exhibition expenses.
Q: Does CAS do any sort of outreach?
A: We currently assist where we can with donated art supplies from members or sponsors to the Dominican School for the Deaf in Wittebome. They have a design/art department that does amazing work in building on the creative skills of the students, some of whom have been able to obtain scholarships in the design field. Assisting them to make their resources spread as far as possible is always deeply appreciated. If you would be keen to find out how you could assist, please email our secretary at constantiabergartsociety@gmail.com