The name of the Society shall be “THE CONSTANTIABERG ART SOCIETY” hereinafter referred to as “the Society”.
(a) To encourage, assist and further enlighten those who are actively engaged in the pursuit of art;
(b) To offer facilities for members to display their work to the general public by means of annual exhibitions;
(c) To create by the holding of meetings and assemblies an environment conducive to open discussion and social intercourse between people with a common interest in art;
(d) To provide help and stimulation to those who have not yet begun or have only recently started to learn the art of drawing, painting and other facets of the arts.
Membership of the Society shall be open to all individuals over the age of 14, and classified as follows:
(a) Ordinary Members - with full rights, who pay an annual subscription;
The amount of the subscription shall be set by the Committee before their last meeting of the Society’s year (end July) and shall become due on 1 August;
Members who have not paid their subscription by 31 August shall be deemed to have resigned;
(b) Honorary Members - elected by the Committee for outstanding service to the Society. The Committee’s criteria for granting Honorary Membership to members shall be reviewed and minuted annually at their last meeting of the Society’s year (end July).
The Annual General Meeting shall be held as soon as possible after the end of the Society’s financial year - 31 July.
Notice of the Meeting shall be sent to members not less than 14 days prior to the Meeting and shall include the Agenda, the Annual Report of the Chairman, and Nomination Forms for the nomination of the new Committee members.
The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be -
(a) To present the reviewed Accounts of the previous financial year to members
(b) Adoption of the Chairman’s Annual Report and reviewed Accounts;
(c) Confirmation of any amendment or addition to the Constitution as approved by the Committee, providing notice of such has been included on the Agenda sent to all members;
(d) Election of a Committee for the ensuing year;
(e) Any other business at the discretion of the Chairman. The quorum at an Annual General Meeting shall be 50% of the total membership, or a minimum of 20 members, whichever is the lesser.
The control of the Society shall be vested in a Committee elected annually at the Annual General Meeting for a period of one year and shall comprise a minimum of 8 or a maximum of 12 members.
The Committee is empowered to co-opt further members if it deems this to be necessary.
At its first meeting of each year, the Committee shall elect from their number -
a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.
The Committee shall meet once a month and any member of the Committee who does not attend three consecutive meetings without leave of absence shall automatically cease to be a member of the Committee.
The function of the Committee shall be -
(a) To administer, manage and control all the affairs of the Society in accordance with the objectives of the Society;
(b) To keep proper books and accounts of the financial transactions of the Society which shall be available to the Committee at all times, and to have the Society’s accounts reviewed annually by a registered Accountant or other suitable qualified person (with the Chairman’s permission);
(c) To open and operate accounts with Banks/Building Societies or other Financial Institutions and make provision for two or more signatures approved by all members of the Committee for any withdrawal of money from these accounts. Any 2 of the signatories will be required to conduct bank business;
(d) To elect sub-Committees from members of the Society for specific activities, but the Committee shall retain the overall direction and control of such activities;
(e) Vacancies on the Committee for the balance of the year, shall be filled by consent of the Committee from members of the Society, by co-option.
The financial year of the Society shall be from the 1st August to the 31st July.
A special meeting may be called for at any time -
by 10 members of the Society, to discuss a particular subject,
by giving one month’s notice in writing to the Secretary, stating the matter which they wish to discuss.
The Committee shall then arrange a meeting, giving 14 days’ notice to the members of the Society.
In the event of the Society having to cease its operation, any funds remaining shall be donated to a suitable charitable institution to be decided by general membership vote.